About UMSA

UMSA may sound like some kind of high fibre muesli that should have milk poured on it each morning, but if you’re a student at Medway then you should know it stands for the “Universities at Medway Students’ Association.” Quite the mouthful, so it’s understandable they cut it down really.

Are you ready?


UMSA has elected part time student officers for each of the following areas: Education, Student Activities, Welfare & Campaigns, Events & Entertainment, and a representative each for Canterbury Christ Church, Greenwich & Kent. These elected officers sit with link officers from each ‘home’ student union, usually the presidents, on the UMSA Student Executive Committee to make decisions concerning the direction of UMSA.

The elected student officers also run Student Forums throughout the year in order to hear your views and opinions on their respective areas. Look out for them as any student is free (and indeed encouraged) to attend and make themselves heard.

Students are also represented by their ‘home’ student unions. UMSA can do a lot with regards to the student experience on the Medway campus whilst the unions are best placed to tackle issues within individual institutions.

In addition to this, every course elects two or more Course Reps at the beginning of the year and UMSA provides course rep training. If you have any issues with your course then your Course Rep will normally be the first port of call.


UMSA organises and runs the following activities’ on campus:

Sports Teams
Give It A Go – a scheme run by UMSA, where you get to try out different activities.
Freshers’ Activities
Stand Out Certificate - A reward scheme for students who volunteer on campus- log your hours and get a certificate. Looks great on a CV!


The following are run by UMSA:
Coopers – the on-campus bar.
Essentials – on-campus shop.
Advice Centre – free and confidential student advice.
Printing, photocopying and fax services.

That brings us to the end of the crunchy goodness that is UMSA. I do hope I haven’t bored you too much and that you’ve learnt something today. If only that UMSA isn’t a cereal.

For more information on anything UMSA, or to get involved yourself, head to their office over in Pilkington building, or check out their website:  www.UMSA.org.uk

(The above is a revised blurb written by Paul Dunne, a formerUMSA Events & Ents Officer. The article is originally taken from The Medwire website an independent student led publication)



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